About me

Hi, I am Indu. I hail from a very small town in Tamil Nadu. Despite living all my adult life in the UK, I am very much an Indian at heart. Although on occasions I do like a cuppa instead of masala chai 🙂 I live in England and find myself constantly looking out for the peace and quiet I experienced in the little village I used to live before or for that matter in Scotland !

I enjoy blogging and sharing life’s little and big experiences. In my blog you will find stories on travel, health, adoption, grievance etc. I also like recording my visits and experiences with photos. I’m not a pro when it comes to photography, but I do like my share of moments to look back in a frame. Other things I am passionate about are science, music, reading and working with non-profit organizations.

I hope you enjoy reading my blogs as much as I enjoy writing them. Do share them if you like and I look forward to your comments.

Namaste !


Find me on facebook & I am now on twitter.

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